Frequently Asked Questions
Hajj is an essential pilgrimage to Makkah, which is taken at the end of the year, during the last month of the Hijri calendar—Dhu al-Hijjah. All Muslims are advised to take the pilgrimage at least once in their lifetime as an act of devotion, as part of the five pillars of Islam. Umrah is a journey for pilgrimage to the Holy Kaaba in Makkah, the holiest place for Muslims, and that can be taken any time throughout the year.
Maqam Umrah is a global B2B online hotel booking engine for Makkah & Madinahand other destinations for your business, empowering as a worldwide travel content to travel partners.If you are a travel partner or an agent, you can use this search resource to locate hotels, transportation, and other services to include in your packages.
Yes, Maqam Umrah offers Makkah hotel deals for travel agents or partners to put in their travel packages to Makkah and Madinahfor Hajj or Umrah. It does not directly accommodatethe general public but lets the partners find it for their esteemed clients.
Maqam Umrah is an all-in-one hotel booking engine in Makkah and Madinah to meet your bulk and corporate accommodate booking needs. You can include five-star, four-star, and three-star hotels and choose anything from budget hotels to luxury ones at a reasonable price with the help of Maqam Umrah to make it easy for your esteemed travellers.
Yes, Maqam Umrah caters mainly to travel associates working on boosting their Makkah & Madinah travel businesses while catering to Muslim pilgrim audiences, meaning to take the Hajj and Umrahtrip. They can find hotels and transportation services in their packages from here.
Yes, Maqam Umrah can also be used by travel associates to offer theclients wedding arrangements in Makkah and Madinah besides usual pilgrimage services assistance. The travel agents can look for hotels and visa services to cater to the client’s demands.
Yes, Maqam Umrah is a great destination where travel partners can find budget hotels in Makkah & Madinah for clients looking to have an affordable pilgrimage and still make the most of their group trips.
Yes, Maqam Umrah is a global B2B online booking system designed for travel associates, partners, and agents to find hotel accommodation, Umrah visa services, connecting transport, sightseeing plans, and miscellaneous services for their clients going for the Hajj and Umrah pilgrim.
Yes, our booking system can do more than just hotel hunting. Travel partners can use our services to avail public or private transportation in Makkah & Madinah towards the respective pilgrimage areas so their pilgrim clients can have a comfortable experience.
Yes, we have a lot of hotel accommodation prospects in the holy sites of Makkah and Madinah. Associates can look for five-star, four-star, and three-star hotels for their respective clients or devise specific hotel packages for Makkah & Madinahwith them.